Education Logistics | Student Test Delivery
Student testing logistics
from A-Z.
We know that the building blocks for excellence in logistics plans involve a lot of moving parts. From school delivery windows to uniformed drivers with credentials; damage-free deliveries to inventory management—we’ll help you get ahead of the pack. We’ve got the tools and expertise to manage it all; including secure warehousing, reliable LTL and truckload solutions, shipment management, and more—and we won’t put our pencils down until you’ve made the grade. Deal?
When it comes to warehousing and freight transportation integration, we’ve done our homework.
With King, student testing materials are seamlessly managed from pick-up to final delivery. Our clients can expect:
District site surveys
Carrier route optimization
Multi-mode shipping, including parcel, LTL, truckload, air
Unique kitting and labeling capabilities
Secure warehousing and inventory management
Just In Time (JIT) delivery windows
Proactive communication and shipment status notifications
Manage chain of custody until proof of delivery
KPIs and custom reporting
Experience a customer care approach that makes the honor roll.
Everything we do is approached from a partnership lens. You focus on printing and scoring student assessment materials, we’ll handle the rest.
Our logistics management may not be calculus, but King’s formula for success makes sure that you ace the test. We understand the 101 of unique test scheduling and we’ll consolidate testing materials and ship according to Just In Time (JIT) requirements. Plus, our secure warehouse operations and reliable carrier network means we’re never tardy—we meet specific delivery windows by district all while managing the chain of custody.
After the assessment tests are complete and packaged for pick-up, we’ll be on standby for reverse logistics. We excel at communication every step of the way so you can enjoy worry-free management of secure returns. And when you’re ready to move the needle, our custom reporting, KPIs, and tracking tools offer real-time visibility so you can make smart, informed decisions.