
The King’s Scroll


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How to avoid expensive expedited shipping costs

In a perfect world, your shipping schedule would remain consistent and planned out far in advance. Changes would happen slowly, and you’d see them coming before they happen. Sometimes, you’re given a very short window of delivery time to begin with. For these moments and more, expedited shipping is often needed. Here’s how to avoid expensive charges when that does happen.

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Warehouse management tips

When most people think about warehouses, they think of them like a well-oiled machine. Everything has a place, a process and works its way through the assembly (or packaging) line. But, keeping a warehouse running like a tight ship can be more than a little challenging. Here’s our tips.

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Is omni-channel fulfillment the answer to your logistics questions?

As a business owner, you have to ensure on time delivery no matter what method of purchase you offer your customers. You have to step up to the plate and fulfill orders with efficiency and speed, all the while keeping your operating costs down and shipping costs to the customer low. This is precisely what omni-channel fulfillment has the capability to do.

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What you need to know about the Long-Term Highway Bill(s)

Federal transportation funding is expiring. In fact, it should have already expired. The original cutoff date for highway and infrastructure was October 29. However, after a desperate scramble on both sides of the party lines, an extension was given until November 20 so that the federal government can hopefully figure out a more long-term solution.

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Takeaways from the MSPBJ’s panel discussion: Manufacturing

King Solutions’ director of business development, Tom Sellin, recently joined the MSPBJ’s Panel of Experts: Manufacturing. The session provided a unique opportunity to discuss the outlook of the industry with a group of experts. Some advantages of manufacturing in Minnesota include an excellent work force, strong work ethic and communities that embrace and understand the importance of a healthy manufacturing environment. The 7400 manufacturers in Minnesota account for 13% of jobs in Minnesota and 16% of total payroll.

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King Solutions offers simple and affordable freight management system

DAYTON, Minn. (October 27, 2015) — Need help analyzing your transportation activity? National leader in supply chain management King Solutions is launching MyGameChanger™, a cloud-based freight management system for truckload (TL) and less-than-truckload (LTL) transportation data, providing insight into all current and historical freight activity from any service provider.

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