
The King’s Scroll


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How does 3D printing affect the logistics industry?

Will 3D printing eventually put an end to the supply chain? It’s a valid concern of logistics professionals, but it is inherently one that has already been proven false. Make no mistake, 3D printing will change the logistics industry, but it will hardly be the end of...

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How 3PLs help ecommerce businesses grow (without breaking)

Ecommerce is growing. This isn’t exactly news. After all, it’s something that’s been happening every year for nearly 20 years now. The thing is it’s not simply growing; it’s borderline exploding. With things changing so rapidly and the need for precise, dependable fulfillment being more necessary than ever, retailers are realizing they need external help if they want to stay in the game. They need third-party logistics providers.

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What exceptional customer experiences mean to King

We know most big brands tout their customer service as being the best in their industries. At King Solutions, we don’t just say it, we believe it in such a way that we structure our business around customer service initiatives. Just in case that doesn’t convince you, we wanted to take a few minutes and explain why exactly we believe in truly exceptional customer services experience and what they mean to us.

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What could Apple’s self-driving car mean for logistics?

As companies who rely heavily on freight trucks to move goods about the country, 3PLs are watching the evolution of self-driving automobiles closely. It is an innovation that has the potential to change the way they help their customers streamline the supply chain.

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How to keep up with the evolving logistics industry

Even for newcomers, who are just learning the tips and tricks of the industry, staying on top of the evolving logistics industry can be a challenge. From changing government regulations, new technology and increasingly efficient operations, it’s easy to wonder how a logistics expert is supposed to stay on top of it all. It’s all about understanding the trends and where they can take your company.

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Creating a better logistics budget

Creating a great budget isn’t all about cutting expenses or saying no to everything. It’s about operating at your best while preparing for what’s ahead. What’s the trick to making that happen? Let’s start from the top.

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