
The King’s Scroll


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How to ship hazardous materials safely

Shipping hazardous materials is not as easy as popping them into a box and sending them out the door. It is ripe with literal hazards, not to mention a truckload of federal regulations that must be followed in order to stay in business. Needless to say, it requires a bit of knowledge, tact and careful handling. That’s where we come in.

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3 ways to improve shipper carrier relationships

As crucial as it is to have good customer relationships, it’s important to dedicate time and effort into improving your internal B2B relationship as well. For shippers, that means your carrier relationships.

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Tips for shipping your trade show booth

Company trade show booths are a large part of the appeal of trade shows, but getting them there can be far from a good time. In fact, it can be downright terrifying if you don’t know what you are doing. Thankfully, our team at King Solutions knows a thing or two about shipping trade show booths and are willing to part with a few secrets.

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How to improve efficiency and productivity with order fulfillment

If you had to simplify eCommerce logistics down to one thing, it would be order fulfillment. That is the end goal: to take an item from the point of sale and deliver it to the customer. It’s your basic ‘get something from point A to point B’ scenario. So, how can you improve the accuracy, speed, and overall efficiency of your order fulfillment? Allow us to share a few tips.

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King Solutions takes home gold for employer best practices

At King Solutions, we work hard to make our workplace a top pick for employees. But, we don’t want to just focus internally. We also strive to be a leader for our community and world around us. Last month, we were recognized for doing just that.

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The costs of high heat: how to keep your warehouse cool

With their high ceiling, large doors that are always opening and closing, and active machinery inside, warehouses aren’t the easiest place to control the temperature. So what do you do? We’ve put together some simple tips and guidance for beating that summer heat and keeping your warehouse cool.

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The importance of supply chain visibility

The supply chain is more than just a means of getting product from the manufacturer to the consumer; it helps to remove redundancies from your business, improve your overall efficiency and help save you money in the end. That’s why supply chain visibility is so essential to businesses.

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Determining KPI and performance metrics for retail logistics

In order to make sure your logistics services are delivering the results needed KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are used to measure success. In today’s tech heavy logistics industry, there’s a lot of data being captured in real-time. But how does this play into your KPIs, and more importantly, how does it all come together to deliver the best customer experience?

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Benefits to one source fulfillment and storefront web services

With a need for more customizable and varied shipping options, many retailers have turned to third-party logistics companies (3PLs) to help with their fulfillment needs. But, why stop there? At King, we’ve found the best solution is often the all-in-one variety. And that’s why we provide one source, online storefront and fulfillment services.

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