
The King’s Scroll

Updates. Happenings. Interesting tidbits.
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Are you transporting freight the “SmartWay?”

Are you transporting freight the “SmartWay?”

It’s fair to say that the logistics industry has quite an impact on the environment. Truckers use about 54 billion gallons of diesel fuel each year, and non-refrigerated warehouses in the U.S. alone use an average of 6.1 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity and 13,400...

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Greasing the wheels of this manufacturer’s LTL & FTL program

Greasing the wheels of this manufacturer’s LTL & FTL program

Our client formulates, tests and manufactures specialty greases that withstand some of the most heavily loaded applications in the world. Their lubricating greases and coatings are used in mining, industrial and construction environments and by major companies like...

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Is your logistics program ready for the holidays?

Is your logistics program ready for the holidays?

October is an interesting (and by interesting, we mean busy) month for supply chain professionals. It’s the (sort of) calm before the holiday storm, and it’s the perfect time to get your retail logistics program in gear before kicking it into overdrive in November,...

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Are rate issues actually capacity issues?

Are rate issues actually capacity issues?

In a time when shippers are sandwiched between rising freight rates and consumer demands for more affordable shipping, rising costs are at the top of every supply chain manager’s mind. Rising carrier rates are rampant across the country, and although shipments are...

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Q3 wrap up: what’s happening in the logistics industry?

Q3 wrap up: what’s happening in the logistics industry?

As Q3 wraps up and summer ends, a few things are unavoidable: the days will become shorter, the weather will become colder, and the shipping industry will be at its busiest. The holiday season is fast approaching, and to help you avoid some unnecessary logistics...

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