The King’s Scroll
Updates. Happenings. Interesting tidbits.
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Is your supply chain ready for the winter months?
Between the winter weather and the retail holiday season, supply chain leaders are already in the process of preparing their warehouses, carriers and overall strategy. Here’s what you can do to get ready.
Optimizing loading and unloading procedures at warehouses
Shipping speed is an essential component of customer service. It’s a key performance indicator that can help ensure return business, and it’s one that shippers are constantly striving to perfect in any way possible.
Strategies for urban and rural distribution
For businesses who operate a supply chain that ships freight nationwide, understanding the differences between shipping items to rural and urban markets is essential.
Are shippers prepared for the ecommerce takeover?
About a month ago, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. agreed to a monster deal with, agreeing to purchase the online retailer for $3 billion in cash and $300 million in Wal-Mart shares.
Where to invest in the supply chain to get the best ROI
Analyzing where to invest in the supply chain can be a challenge. Shippers want to make sure that they’re getting the most out of their investments, but it’s not always easy to see what’s going to give the best ROI and what’s not.
How to create a fulfillment strategy that keeps your customers in mind
When constructing your fulfillment strategy, you want to make sure that your customers are at the center of it. By doing so, you will have a supply chain that results in higher customer satisfaction, and more return business.
Trucking regulations that are impacting shippers
Trucking regulations are continuously updated and changed in order to make the industry safer and more environmentally friendly. While these trucking regulations may be necessary for safety, they can impact shipping schedules and best practices.
King Solutions named a “Top 2016 Workplace” by the Star Tribune
We did it again! For the second year in a row, King Solutions was named as one of the “Top Workplaces” in Minnesota by the Star Tribune. This is the second year in a row that we have made the list and we couldn’t be more proud of our employees, our leaders and our...
How to protect high value cargo
Protecting high value cargo is a priority for many logistics teams. Those who frequently ship and carry big ticket items know how important it is to make sure they reach their destination intact and without any damage.
Making the decision to outsource your logistics
Making the decision to outsource your logistics to a third party logistics provider (3PL) is not something to take lightly, but it’s a decision that could greatly benefit your company, your operations and your customers.