The King’s Scroll
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How to get the best ROI from your 3PL
When it comes to working with a 3PL, shippers can do a lot to enhance their partnership and improve their operations even more, thus exponentially increasing their return on investment.
King delivers Vivian Lou success with HSN
What began as a simple complaint to a podiatrist quickly turned into a game-changing shoe insert product known as the Vivian Lou Insolia® Insoles back in 2014. These weight-shifting shoe inserts subtly adjust the foot’s pitch and position in high heels, resulting in decreased foot pain, improved body alignment and posture, and an extended, comfortable wear time. But as fulfilling as this product was for the user, the company was in dire need of help with their own fulfillment challenges—especially with their big Home Shopping Network opportunity.Â
Connecting your supply chain through social media
Social media will be a game changer for many companies’ supply chains in the years to come. So how do companies incorporate it into their supply chain?
The dos and don’ts of shipping oversized cargo
Shipping oversized cargo, much like the process of shipping perishables, requires a few extra precautions and steps to get right. Before you begin the process, take heed of some advice from industry professionals. There are a few dos and don’ts when it comes to shipping oversized cargo.
TMS or managed transportation services? Why not both?
Can a company achieve the benefits of a TMS and work with a MTS Provider? Why can’t a company do both?
Is your 3PL partner moving toward the future?
As your business continues to head down the road to tomorrow, you need to know your 3PL will be there with you, keeping pace, if not leading the way. So the question is, is your 3PL partner moving towards the future?
The challenge of shipping perishables
It’s a challenge to ship and deliver perishable goods. It has to be done efficiently and quickly, and most importantly, the goods must remain fresh and clean. This is a challenging task that supply chain workers are more than happy to accept, and it’s one that we at King Solutions have a lot of experience doing. That’s why we have decided to put together a small guide on the best practices for shipping perishable goods.
How to create and implement a lean warehouse culture
Each year, more and more companies are turning to lean practices in order to reduce waste and increase efficiency. Surveys have shown that lean operations are a growing trend in the industry, and for good reason. Lean warehouses can be more effective at fulfilling orders and can do so in a more cost efficient manner.
Are you getting the most out of your transportation management system?
With the New Year upon us, many businesses are looking for ways to be more effective in 2016. Whether it’s taking on more work or offering new services or maybe simplifying your focus, it’s important that your initiatives are executed well. For logistics companies, their transportation management system will play a large role in how effective their business operates. The question is are you getting everything you need from your TMS?
Is 2016 the year you outsource your logistics?
Like tasting an exotic food for the very first time, some shippers aren’t quite sure exactly what the outcome of outsourcing their logistics will be. And, they don’t realize the benefits that could lay ahead.