
The King’s Scroll


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King’s Q4 Industry Report: rolling into 2022

King’s Q4 Industry Report: rolling into 2022

2022 is here, and so are the latest numbers from throughout the logistics industry. 2021 was expected to be a year or rebound and growth. While we experienced both throughout the year, the unexpected persistence of COVID-19 and its variants, along with labor...

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Mitigating shipping costs as the price of diesel fuel increases

Mitigating shipping costs as the price of diesel fuel increases

In October 2020, the price of diesel fuel was $2.39 a gallon. Fast forward to November 2021, that price has risen to over $3.72. In just a year’s time, the price of diesel fuel has increased by more than 55%, far more than products in many other markets. The sudden...

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The key to sourcing carriers during freight embargoes

The key to sourcing carriers during freight embargoes

Freight embargoes are not a new phenomenon in the U.S. logistics industry, but they have become more prominent in recent months, even as we make our way out of the closures and delays caused by the global impacts of COVID-19. Working through a freight embargo is...

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