The King’s Scroll
Updates. Happenings. Interesting tidbits.
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FTL, PTL, LTL, parcel: how to choose the right shipping option
There is no shortage of shipping options when it comes to moving your freight, and choosing the right service provider is a challenge for every business. While the available shipping options have stayed consistent over the years — shippers have traditionally had the...

The 3-phase white glove solution that resulted in zero damage claims for this electronics retailer
White glove delivery is the epitome of high-end, soup to nuts service in the logistics industry. It requires precision, timing and a mastery of virtually every component of the supply chain. There are no plug and play solutions for these types of deliveries....

King eliminates waste and delivers truckloads of efficiency
This environmentally conscious company has an important goal that should resonate with all of us: “developing solid waste management solutions that are environmentally friendly and cost effective.” They help businesses and cities achieve this goal by providing waste...

In the headlights: carrier issues during NTDAW
Each year, the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) releases a comprehensive report based on industry surveys shedding light on the issues affecting the supply chain. While many of the top issues affect shippers and 3PL companies, several have a...

Recent changes and best practices for filing freight claims
Recently, we have noticed an increasing number of carriers requiring photos of damaged freight in order to file and process a freight claim. This is just one of the most recent trends in an ever-changing process, and while we hope our customers never have to file a...

King chooses “Minneapolis and Chicago history” for $1000, Alex
Have you heard the news? King Solutions has opened a new facility in Chicago! To celebrate our company linking these two great cities, we are diving into a bit of the history, founding, and logistics facts about Minneapolis and Chicago. Minneapolis: the...

The four guiding principles that shaped our logo
When viewed as a whole, the King logo is the crown that many have come to associate with our company. While the crown is a royal symbol that invokes our company’s name, there’s a lot more to the entire logo, and it represents everything we stand for as a company....

MaKING a Difference, one hour at a time
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop A perfect inspirational quote for the volunteers and charitable organizations that selflessly give their time, energy and resources to those in need. But these acts of kindness are not “small” by any...

The bendy, flexible shipping solutions that saved this materials manufacturer
This client is a multifaceted manufacturer of rubber and flexible plastics that are used in a full range of products that include: Extruded products Molded/distribution products Die-Cut products Their primary strength is their wide-ranging manufacturing capabilities...

Don’t let rising diesel prices fuel your freight woes
Diesel fuel is the lifeblood of the logistics industry, and the volatility of rate changes is something that causes issue among many shippers. Because of this, we watch diesel fuel prices closer than brokers watch tickers on the floor of the NY Stock Exchange. There’s...