The King’s Scroll
Updates. Happenings. Interesting tidbits.
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Optimizing your logistical services
Optimization is a pretty big buzzword these days, from businesses to every day life. We live very busy lives in a very busy world, and optimization can allow for you to do things better in less time with fewer mistakes. That sounds like a win to us. And that’s why we believe it’s important to optimize your logistical services.
How e-commerce is shaping the logistics industry
As the internet continues to insert virtual shopping malls into the homes of consumers the world over, the need for traditional brick-and-mortar stores has diminished, but not disappeared altogether. This has changed the paradigm of logistics by transforming the role of logistics companies and warehouses, a ripple that has sent a wave across the entire industry.
How RFID technology is changing the warehousing industry
While there are procedural methods that can reduce your transportation costs, improvements in technology are changing the warehousing industry even further than ever before. Enter RFID: a proven and increasingly utilized bit of technology that is streamlining warehousing processes.
Are you getting the most value from your shipping partner?
So, how do you determine if you’re getting the most value from your shipping partner? It’s as simple as determining if they’re the right partner for you. Obviously everyone’s needs are different, but there are a number of criteria that all businesses can evaluate to see if a 3PL company is right for them.
Bypassing weigh stations: how apps are changing the trucking industry
Thanks to modern technology more and more drivers are skipping the weigh station altogether. Here’s how.
Logistics trends we’ll see in 2015
As we look ahead to 2015 and the opportunities it will bring, not only to our business but also to our industry, we thought it would be a great time to take a look at trends we’ll see happening this year.
What drives the price of diesel?
The price of retail fuel follows the same pricing model as many commodities, the model is supply and demand. There are a few outside government influences like taxes and regulations that keep the price of fuel from being completely dependent on the free market. Even with the outside influences, the price of fuel still follows the supply and demand model pretty closely. Looking at these two variables separately you can start to see some logic that is driving the current pricing…
Winter weather update: how your freight may be impacted
With the potentially historic winter storm bearing down on the Northeast, we wanted to make sure all of our clients are aware of potential delays for shipments surrounding that area.
King Solutions launches Kickstarter giveaway campaign
Who will King Solutions donate to next? The company is asking for fans’ help through a pay-it-forward donation campaign that will give one lucky beneficiary on Kickstarter a $2,500 donation toward his or her goal.
Why it makes sense to outsource fulfillment services
Do you know someone who has a garage full of product from a home business they started? There is nothing wrong with this. Many great businesses started as a great idea in a garage, but the question is what do you do after you grow out of the garage or your office building or the small warehouse space you have? Do you build a new building? Do you lease a bigger space? Do you hire more people? Do you buy equipment and inventory management systems? The answer is, No! You can get all of these things by …