Apr 2, 2015

The shipping industry, particularly trucking, has one of the most significant impacts on society. From controlling the flow of consumer goods to driving the overall economy, there is no doubt that it remains a key factor in the United States.

It also impacts the environment and the world around us.

That’s why the industry, especially over the last decade, has made huge strides in innovating new technologies and methods that will allow the shipping process to become more sustainable.

From warehousing to trucking, companies are going green in any way that they can.

This newfound drive for sustainability has led to the increasing emergence of new techniques that have changed the industry for the better, saving companies money as well as decreasing their impact on the environment.

Harness the Elements for Power
Maintaining a large warehouse can be costly, both to your bottom line and to the environment, but there are several environmentally friendly practices that many companies are adopting in increasing numbers.

First and foremost are wind and solar power technologies that have had great success both in the past and present. Harnessing the power of the wind and sun are ideas that date back to ancient times, but the practice has been refined over the centuries.

Now, warehouses have cut back on using coal and electricity by powering their operations, at least partially, with sustainable forms of energy.

Reducing Overall Energy Output
In addition to increasing the usage of wind and solar power, warehouse managers are seeking more ways to reduce their overall energy output. In a recent survey, 48 percent of companies said that they already have sustainability initiatives underway, while 88 percent stated that they have plans to implement them in the future.

Companies are switching from high intensity discharge light bulbs to those with more energy efficient capabilities, properly sealing warehouse spaces to prevent heat from escaping during the winter months and are even adding cycled sleep modes to their equipment to cut back on wasted energy consumption.

Optimizing Routes Using New Metrics
Freight trucks, while necessary to the American economy, can often get only six miles to the gallon during travel.

They also ship more than 70 percent of all the goods in the country (equating to about 24 billion dollars a year).

That’s why shipping companies have taken to global positioning systems and other metrics to optimize the routes of trucks, allowing them to more efficiently deliver goods while cutting the usage of gasoline to the lowest possible level.

Count on King to Lead the Way
King has maintained an ever-growing dedication to reducing our impact on the environment while saving our clients money.

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