
The King’s Scroll

Updates. Happenings. Interesting tidbits.
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Sharing the road with the ‘big rigs’: 10 tips for safe driving

Semi-trucks and large “straight” (single-unit) trucks, by virtue of their size and extra-weight have different handling characteristics of cars and other similar motor-vehicles; as a result drivers should be aware of possible situations when encountering one of these vehicles on the road.

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Reusable packaging: Is it time I consider looking into it?

At first glance most shippers probably think yeah, green friendly packaging sounds great, but it really doesn’t fit into our business and supply chain model. Also, it probably costs too much to change. Well, we all know changing old habits takes a bit of gumption and thought. Here are some compelling reasons that may help you move the needle towards making a change for your organization…

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A lean six sigma approach to packaging to reduce claims and waste

What if you told your boss you could reduce the costs of packaging and reduce the number of freight claims at once? Have you ever thought about taking some of your shipments out of the LTL environment? Upset clients and wasted money are a result of poor relationships and processes. So what can be done to reduce the costs from these freight claims and reinforced packaging issues?

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Overcoming the pain of change: got the logistics program blues?

Are you thinking some changes in your existing transportation program would really help you to meet your goals, but nervous about the pain that might occur if you make a change? That’s understandable, and you may have had some bad experiences in the past. Here are six key steps for launching a smoother logistics program with a trusted partner.

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The warehousing dilemma: rent or own (or neither)?

In today’s markets everyone needs to operate as efficiently as possible. Warehouses can be black holes where you can lose inventory, WIP and hard earned margin. They are typically fixed cost or overhead that are tough to justify. Take a short quiz to see if we can shed some light in the corners of your warehouse. The answers to these five questions could reveal some significant cost-saving opportunities for your business.

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Cuz I’m leavin’ on a jet plane…or maybe not. Airfreight that never leaves the ground.

Many companies in the manufacturing arena have a need to expedite their products to a partner, vendor or consumer. There may be many reasons for this need from a delay in production, a replacement part or just the simple fact that what they make is a hot commodity. But how you expedite freight can make a world of difference to your bottom line. The term “airfreight” is used very often in these instances, but did you know many times it never leaves the ground? Let’s discuss how to get your product where it needs to go, when it needs to be there, without buying a whole plane to make it happen.

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Joy to the world, here comes my drone.

We’ve been watching the industry news and wanted to have a little fun hypothesizing the early days of drone technology. I was somewhat amused in reading about how a major fulfillment provider recently bragging about their new their revelation about the future use of drones to deliver their packages.

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