
The King’s Scroll

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The best ways to reduce damages and freight claim ratios

The best ways to reduce damages and freight claim ratios

Freight claims and damage are impossible to avoid altogether; every single company that ships products will encounter them eventually. While a zero percent claims ratio is unheard of, this doesn’t mean companies can’t reduce the number of freight damages and claims...

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The challenges and benefits of outsourcing your supply chain

The challenges and benefits of outsourcing your supply chain

Are you thinking about outsourcing a part of or all of your supply chain? There are many reasons why a company may wish to partner with a third-party logistics provider (3PL). Some are struggling to find and maintain warehousing space. Others find it too challenging...

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Get your supply chain into gear for the 2020 holiday season

Get your supply chain into gear for the 2020 holiday season

We are mere weeks away from the holiday shopping season, and many consumers have already gotten started! This holiday shopping season will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. While ecommerce shopping has been on the rise every year for the better part...

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King talks with industry experts during this MSPBJ roundtable

King talks with industry experts during this MSPBJ roundtable

The Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal held a panel discussion recently on the topic of medical supply chains. Panelists included Tammy Heid, senior director, global supply chain at Medtronic; Frank Jaskulke, vice president of intelligence for Medical Alley; Peter...

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3 supply chain links to consolidate for efficiency

3 supply chain links to consolidate for efficiency

There are times when growth and expansion are the keys to success. Larger spaces, more resources, and an increase in the size and scope of a supply chain can lead to greater profit, better service and happier customers. But this is not the case for every...

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Adapting to the ever-changing global supply chain

Adapting to the ever-changing global supply chain

One thing will always be certain: the logistics industry keeps on moving. Truckers will always move shipments, orders will always be fulfilled, and supply chains will always continue to run, but freight isn’t the only thing that will always stay in motion. The...

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