
The King’s Scroll

Updates. Happenings. Interesting tidbits.
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Kick off the new decade with our Q4 industry report

Kick off the new decade with our Q4 industry report

2020 has arrived, marking the end of not only a new year, but the decade as well! The holidays are over, winter is in full gear and businesses are starting their engines and revving up their plans for the new year. Before you get started on planning your next move,...

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Unpacking the top issues affecting carriers this year

Unpacking the top issues affecting carriers this year

Carriers and shippers have a clear symbiotic relationship; what happens to one can have a large impact on the other. That’s why it’s important for shippers to keep a close eye on the current issues that affect truckers the most. As a third-party logistics provider, we...

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3 Shipping Stats Every Company Should be Focused On

3 Shipping Stats Every Company Should be Focused On

Logistics, when boiled down to its most basic form, is a game of numbers. These data points are the key to optimizing a supply chain, increasing profitability and reducing costs. That’s why data is such a valuable tool for managers and their teams; using the data they...

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