The King’s Scroll
Updates. Happenings. Interesting tidbits.
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The symptoms and remedies for dock congestion. How to provide relief at your warehouse.
The issue of loading dock congestion has risen to become one of the largest concerns for carriers and shippers. When trucks line up at a warehousing and fulfillment facility, it puts the brakes on entire supply chains. It means that carriers haul fewer loads, earning...

Unlock Supply Chain Efficiency with Temperature-Controlled Storage Solutions
Why Temperature-Controlled Storage Matters In the world of perishable supply chains, temperature-controlled storage (TCS) is the backbone of preserving product integrity. Whether dealing with pharmaceuticals, temperature-sensitive food, or medical devices, the ability...

Check your mirrors. King’s Q1 industry report is looking back at the start of 2020.
2020 has been unlike any year we’ve ever experienced before. As we move towards the future, we can take comfort in something a bit more concrete: industry stats and numbers. Before you hit the pavement and press on into the uncertain times that are surely ahead of us...

How blockchain technology is changing the way some supply chains are managed
With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, “blockchain managers” were listed as one of the critical workers on the Coronavirus Guidance for America guidelines, under the food and agriculture sector. This is because blockchain is becoming an integral part of many...

Our commitment remains strong. A message to our community regarding COVID-19.
To our King community, We’re committed to serving you with excellence and we’re here for you now more than ever. As an essential business providing services that keep the health of our nation’s supply chain running during the coronavirus pandemic, our team remains...

What to know about the effects of the coronavirus on the U.S. supply chain
Although the United States has thus far seen very few cases of the coronavirus, its effects continue to disrupt the global market and have implications on the supply chain in the U.S. While these effects have so far been minimal, there remains a fair potential for...

King’s warehousing remedy cured this pharmaceutical manufacturer’s storage ailments
This biomedical company manufactures a range of life-saving pharmaceuticals. As a leader in their industry, this company has experienced healthy growth for more than 30 years. They are innovative, generously involved in their community and are committed to bettering...

Kick off the new decade with our Q4 industry report
2020 has arrived, marking the end of not only a new year, but the decade as well! The holidays are over, winter is in full gear and businesses are starting their engines and revving up their plans for the new year. Before you get started on planning your next move,...

Unpacking the top issues affecting carriers this year
Carriers and shippers have a clear symbiotic relationship; what happens to one can have a large impact on the other. That’s why it’s important for shippers to keep a close eye on the current issues that affect truckers the most. As a third-party logistics provider, we...

3 Shipping Stats Every Company Should be Focused On
Logistics, when boiled down to its most basic form, is a game of numbers. These data points are the key to optimizing a supply chain, increasing profitability and reducing costs. That’s why data is such a valuable tool for managers and their teams; using the data they...