The King’s Scroll
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Solutions to common supply chain problems
When you have been in the transportation business as long we have, you will have seen just about every supply chain issue that can rear its ugly head. That’s why we have asked our men and women in the business to come up with a list of the most common supply chain problems and give us their first hand experiences on how to best confront them.
Driver shortage: Is it real and why does it happen?
Ask one person about driver shortage, and they’ll tell you exactly where it started, why it’s happening, and how to fix. Then there are those who think it’s a myth altogether. You know, like the moon landing. While we’re not here to provide finite answers on the topic, it is certainly a topic worth discussing. Let’s start from the top.
Our trailer rebranding process
It’s possible that you may have noticed a few new King Solutions trailers out on Minnesota’s roads (it’s okay, you can stare; we know they’re pretty). But, what you might not know is the reasoning behind the change or that the rebranding of our trucks is an ongoing process.
Plastic pallets vs wood pallets: Which is better for my shipping needs?
Pallets have been around for over 100 years, and they don’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon (except whatever destination they’re being shipped to, of course). Because of this, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the most out of your pallets. Which leads to the question: plastic or wood?
How to reduce product damage and profit loss
Every year, companies across the United States lose countless amounts of money due to improper storage and shipping of their products. To curtail these losses and claims, companies must take preventative measures to ensure that they are managing their logistics and warehousing sectors or trusting them in the hands of qualified partners.
How to consolidate your LTL freight shipments
When it comes to LTL freight shipments, consolidation is key. Without it, you are shipping money out the door through inefficiency.
New green trends and technologies in shipping
From warehousing to trucking, companies are going green in any way that they can. Here are a few of the latest trends and technologies for going green in the shipping industry.
Building healthy, long-term 3PL relationships
Think of the best/strongest relationships you currently have in your life. Most (if not all) of them probably involve people you’ve known for a long time. They’re long-term relationships. They involve people you know and who know you. They’re built on trust and experience. There’s a certain degree of give and take. And you most likely hope to keep that relationship. We like to think great 3PL relationships aren’t so different.
How to save money on LTL shipping
LTL shipping is designed around saving you money for loads that are too big for parcel but too small to fill a truck. The question is are you maximizing the amount of money you’re saving? Here are some simple tips to make sure you’re getting the most (financially speaking) out of your LTL services.
What you should expect from your 3PL provider
The decision to outsource your logistics and warehousing needs to a 3PL provider is a major decision no matter what the size your company may be. While it is natural to remain a bit uncertain about handing over of such an integral part of your business, it can actually be one of the best business decisions you make in the lifespan of your company.