
The King’s Scroll


Updates. Happenings. Interesting tidbits.
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Linking omni-channel fulfillment to your supply chain

Linking omni-channel fulfillment to your supply chain

Fulfillment is one of the most important cogs in the logistics machine, which is why getting it right is one of the most important things shippers can do in order to better serve their customers and increase efficiency in their supply chain. One way to do this is to...

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Prepare for the holidays with King’s Q3 industry report

Prepare for the holidays with King’s Q3 industry report

As the leaves fall, summer sets sail and the holiday rush fast approaches, King is carving out some time to bring you all the latest news and numbers from across the logistics industry. We are now well into the last half of the year, and there is a lot of good news...

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King doubles down on being a SmartWay High Performer

King doubles down on being a SmartWay High Performer

King Solutions is proud to announce that, for the second year in a row, we have been named by The Environmental Protection Agency as a SmartWay High Performer, a distinct honor that is given to less than 5% of all logistics companies that have joined their SmartWay...

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How can businesses fill the supply chain talent gap?

How can businesses fill the supply chain talent gap?

As the capacity crunch continues to be an issue for shippers and supply chain companies, logistics professionals are now confronted with yet another roadblock: the looming supply chain talent gap. While the supply chain talent shortage hasn’t developed into a crisis,...

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Summer is sweet with King’s Q2 Report

Summer is sweet with King’s Q2 Report

The summer season brings with it BBQs, bright sunshine and booming markets. Summer is the second highest consumer spending season (behind winter, which brings with it the holiday season). As a result, the economy and the shipping industry should keep pace with the...

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