Industry insight

Jan 8, 2018

What you need to know about the new ELD mandate requirements

On December 18th, 2017 the The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) began enforcing the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate requirements. These requirements were drafted and put into effect by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) and...
Nov 15, 2017

How cyber shopping will affect seasonal logistics this year

Over the years we have seen significant shifts in the way consumers shop. We have watched closely as the the increases in ecommerce shoppers has changed supply chains and the ways in which goods are moved throughout the country. The holidays in 2017 appears to be no...
Nov 14, 2017

Carriers introduce updated overlength fees

The LTL world is always evolving, and its pricing along with it. As we enter the busiest season of the year for supply chain professionals, carriers are finding themselves pushed to the limit due to increased freight volumes and tight capacity. Because of this...
Jul 14, 2017

Takeaways from the energy panel discussion with the MSPBJ

I had the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion on the topic of energy. It was hosted by the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal (MSPBJ) and included individuals from various areas of the energy sector. The topics ranged from green energy sources to...
Jul 11, 2017

Insights from the 2017 USPS National Postal Forum

The 2017 NPF was held at the Baltimore Convention Center in May. The King Solutions NPF team included Ben Waltman, Chris Lund, Jesse Kennedy, David Renodin and myself. We joined 30 attendees from our customers, and 3,500 others from the industry to engage in a...